白杨河流域地跨乌鲁木齐达坂城及吐鲁番托克逊县,全流域气象干旱风多风大降水稀少蒸发极为强烈,是新疆干旱与极端干旱叠加型流域灌区,提升灌区供输水效率对水资源高效利用具有特殊意义。本文以灌区各级渠道供输水效率为研究内容,采用渠道过水断面量测分析表明:1) 流域灌区现状渠系水利用系数0.5486 (上游达坂城0.5680;下游托克逊0.5012);分析2030年渠系水利用系数0.6567 (上游达坂城0.6595;下游托克逊0.6500)。2) 灌区现状灌溉水利用系数0.4975 (上游达坂城0.5112;下游托克逊0.4641);分析2030年灌溉水利用系数0.6239 (上游达坂城0.6265;下游托克逊0.6175)。3) 灌区灌溉水利用系数提升使得现状灌溉引用水量38,260万m3,降至2030年的31,872万m3省水效果好。
Baiyang River basin is located across Dabancheng, Urumqi and Tuokexun County, Turpan. The whole basin is characterized by dry weather, windy weather, heavy rainfall, and rare evaporation. It is a basin irrigation area with superimposed drought and extreme drought in Xinjiang. Improving the water supply and delivery efficiency of the irrigation area has special significance for the efficient use of water resources. This paper takes the water supply and delivery efficiency of all levels of channels in the irrigation area as the research content, and adopts the measurement and analysis of the channel discharge section to show that: 1) the water utilization coefficient of the current channel system in the irrigation area of the basin is 0.5486 (the upstream Dabancheng is 0.5680;the downstream Tokson is 0.5012);the analysis shows that the water utilization coefficient of the canal system in 2030 is 0.6567 (0.6595 in the upstream Dabancheng;0.6500 in the downstream Tokson). 2) The current irrigation water utilization coefficient of the irrigation area is 0.4975 (upstream Dabancheng 0.5112;downstream Tokson 0.4641);the irrigation water utilization coefficient in 2030 is analyzed to be 0.6239 (0.6265 in the upstream Dabancheng;0.6175 in the downstream Tokson). 3) The improvement of irrigation water utilization coefficient in the irrigation area has made the current irrigation water intake of 382.6 million m3, down to 318.72 million m3 in 2030, with good water saving effect.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences