目的:研究济南地区人群ABO血型比例和血型等位基因频率。方法:对山东人类精子库2006年4月至2019年6月7458例捐精志愿者血型情况进行分析,统计A、B、O和AB血型的人数并根据Hardy-Weinberg遗传平衡定律计算等位基因频率。结果:济南地区人群血型比例为:A型,27.06%;B型,33.12%;AB型,10.44%;O型,29.38%;血型等位基因频率为IA,pc = 0.2094;IB,qc = 0.2486;i,rc = 0.5420。结论:济南地区人群中,B型血人数最多,i等位基因占优势。通过研究济南地区人群ABO血型情况,对遗传学研究、输血医学和临床应用等具有重要的意义,并在一定程度上推动人类精子库和血液中心的合作关系,促进献血和捐精公益事业的发展。
Objective:To estimate ABO distribution and ABO alleles frequency in Jinan. Methods: ABOdistribution and ABO alleles frequency were investigated in 7458 qualifiedsperm bank donors at the Shandong Human Sperm Bank in China between 2006 and 2019.Results: Our data showed that the proportion of type A, B, AB and O is 27.06%,33.12%, 10.44% and 29.38%, respectively. Furthermore, the IA, IB and i alleles have a frequency of 20.94%, 24.86% and 54.20%. Conclusion: InJinan population, type B group is more common, and i is the predominant allele.The research of ABO blood group has an important influence on genetic research,transfusion medicine and clinical application. Moreover, it can makesignificant advances in the public good, such as blood donation and spermdonation.
Hans Journal of Biomedicine