

Simplified Analysis of Box Building Connecting Nodes and Overall Structural Seismic Analysis
摘要 目的:对盒子建筑舱体连接节点进行简化分析,将简化结果应用于某多层盒子模块化装配式学生公寓,并对该结构进行整体抗震分析。方法:应用有限元软件ABAQUS建立节点有限元实体模型与简化模型,分析在柱顶施加0.2轴压比的轴压力及150 mm水平位移作用下,比较两种模型的破坏形态及荷载位移曲线。采用MIDASGEN2022建立整体结构计算模型,对其进行地震反应谱分析,并将计算结果与现行国家标准限值进行对比。结果:有限元简化模型与实体模型应力分布规律一致,破坏形态相同,二者破坏形态均为模块梁屈服,梁端发生塑性铰破坏,且两种模型的荷载位移曲线较为接近,二者的初始刚度、屈服荷载和极限荷载相差不大。反应谱分析结果均满足国家标准限值要求。结论:简化模型与实体模型破坏形态相同,荷载位移曲线接近,验证了简化模型的合理性。盒子模块结构设置刚性支撑,可较大提升整体结构的抗侧刚度。 Purpose: Simplified analysis of the connecting nodes of box building compartments is carried out, the node simplification results are applied to a multi-story box modular assembly student apartment, and the overall seismic analysis of the structure is carried out. Methods: The finite element software ABAQUS is applied to establish the node finite element solid model and the simplified model, and analyze the damage patterns and load displacement curves comparing the two models under the axial pressure of 0.2 axial compression ratio applied at the top of the columns and the horizontal displacement of 150 mm. MIDAS/gen 2022 is used to establish the calculation model of the whole structure, the seismic response spectrum analysis is carried out, and the calculation results are compared with the limits of the current national standards. Results: The stress distribution pattern of the simplified finite element model and the solid model are consistent, and the damage patterns are the same, the damage pattern of both models is the yielding of the modular beam, and the plastic hinge damage occurs at the end of the beam, and the load displacement curves of the two models are close to each other, and the differences in initial stiffness, yield load and ultimate load are not big between the two models. The results of reaction spectrum analysis meet the requirements of national standard limits. Conclusion: The simplified model has the same damage pattern as the solid model, and the load-displacement curves are close to each other, which verifies the rationality of the simplified model. Setting rigid support for the box module structure can greatly improve the lateral stiffness of the overall structure.
作者 姜枫 许峰
出处 《土木工程》 2024年第4期434-446,共13页 Hans Journal of Civil Engineering
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