本装置年产98%浓硫酸12万吨,采用“3 + 1”两次转化两次吸收、98%酸干燥、中温两次吸收的工艺流程。该装置在转化、干吸、以及热工系统采用了最先进的材料制作成为最为高效的工艺设备,提高了生产效率。该装置所产生的制酸尾气是经尾气吸收系统处理后外排,实现了外排尾气对环境影响最小的目的。该装置采用全自动集散控制系统,实现了制酸装置生产控制和调节在中控室能够全部完成的要求。
This equipment achieves the technological process: 120 thousand tons annually product of 98% grade H2SO4, “3 + 1” of two transformations and two absorptions, desiccation by 98% grade acid, and two absorptions at mediate temperatures. It is one of the most efficient technological equip-ments because of using the most advanced materials during the system of transformation, dry ab-sorption and thermal treatment. It also has the minimum effect on the environment through dis-charge after systematic absorption treatment of tail gas. Meanwhile, the requirements of produc-tion control and regulation of making-acid equipment have been all met in central control depart-ment due to the application of fully automatic collection-distribution control system.
Hans Journal of Chemical Engineering and Technology