Heavydrinking refers to drinking exceeds the standard of moderate drinking orgeneral social drinking.Heavy drinking has serious negative effects on personaldevelopment and family,so the analysis of the causes of alcohol abuse and thebehavior prediction of heavy drinking are important.Features include basicinformation(educational level,age,gender,country of residence,ethnicity)and five-factor personality measures(Neuroticism,Extraversion,Openness toexperience,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness)as well as Barrett impulsivenessand impulsive sensations seeking.We used machine learning-based decisiontrees,Naive Bayes,K-nearest neighbors,support vector machines,logisticregression and other classification methods to predict and analyze.Then we canpredict whether there is a tendency to alcohol abuse according to a person’sbasic information and personality characteristics.And the characteristics ofalcoholics were analyzed:extroversion had a great influence on drinkingbehavior;people with high openness were less inclined to drinking alcohol,asfor other personality traits,the higher Neuroticism,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness,Barrett impulsiveness and feeling seeking,the greater thepossibility of drinking.
Hans Journal of Data Mining