旨在了解海产品墨鱼干表面白斑的微生物区系,并从中分离耐盐的微生物资源。以市售表面带白斑的墨鱼干为样品,利用含5% NaCl牛肉膏蛋白胨平板分离纯化出一株耐盐细菌NYJ2,检测了菌株的菌落和细胞形态特征、部分生理生化特性,进行16S rDNA部分序列测序和系统发育分析。结果表明从白斑分离出一种枝芽胞杆菌,在含0.5%~15% NaCl的牛肉膏蛋白胨培养液中可生长,最适1%~10% NaCl,是中度嗜盐菌;生长酸碱度范围是pH 5~8;生长温度范围是10℃~46℃,最适25℃~42℃;可利用10℃以下低温,或者用0.05%乳酸链球菌素抑制菌株NYJ2的生长繁殖。
This paper is aimed to investigate the microflora of the white plaque existing at the surface of dried cuttlefish, and to isolate salt-tolerated microbial resources. The commercially available dried cuttlefish with white plaque were sampled, and a salt-tolerated bacterium, strain NYJ2, was isolated and purified on the Beef-extract-peptone Plate containing 5% of NaCl. The morphological characteristics of the colonies and cells, and several biochemical and physiological characteristics of the strain were detected, and partial sequence of the 16S rDNA was sequenced and phylogenetic analysis was performed. The results showed that a Virgibacillus sp. NYJ2 was isolated and identified from the white plaque, and it can grow in Beef-extract-peptone broth containing 0.5%~15% of NaCl, and optimum at 1%~10% of NaCl, belonging to moderately halophilic bacteria. Its growth occurs at pH 5~pH 8, 10?C^46?C and the optimum temperature ranges from 25?C to 42?C. Low-temperature below 10?C, or 0.05% of Nisin could be used to inhibit the growth and reproduction of the strain NYJ2.
Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science
湖南科技大学大学生科研创新计划项目(SYZ2015081, SYZ2018065)。