

Analysis of Fruits Oil Contents of Clones of Introduced Seabuckthorn in Three North Areas
摘要 为了科学评定从俄罗斯引进的21个沙棘无性系果实油脂含量,于2016~2018年对辽宁、黑龙江、甘肃、青海、新疆5地的引进沙棘果实取样后,采用索氏抽提法分析了干果肉、干籽和干全果3个油脂含量。引进沙棘干全果油脂含量总体平均值为16.59% (114个样品),含量最低的也在10%以上,含量最高的“201322”达到了23.50%。引进沙棘干果肉油脂含量为20.23% ±6.13%,较干籽的19.26% ±7.44%大0.97%,果肉、籽两者间油脂含量相差较小。引进沙棘干全果油脂含量较杂交沙棘的15.62% ±5.05% (28个样品)高0.97%,引进与杂交两类沙棘间油脂含量差别也较小。引进沙棘定植后结实比较好的3地,干全果油脂含量以新疆最高,达16.09% ±5.70%,第二、第三分别为辽宁的14.50% ±8.88%、黑龙江的11.75% ±8.71%,3地间干全果油脂含量的差距较大。引进沙棘连续3年取样测定干全果油脂含量,2016年为10.63% ±4.04%,2017年为21.90% ±5.61,2018年为15.83% ±1.83%,3年间的数值显现出“小–大–小”的明显起伏现象。引进和杂交两类沙棘的油脂含量都较高,但具体品种间的差距还是比较大的,可以选择油脂含量较高的品种,如“201322”“201308”“201313”等,在我国适生地区建立以油用为主要目标的沙棘工业原料林来综合开发利用。 In order to scientifically evaluate the oil content of 21 seabuckthornclones introduced from Russia, 3 oilcontents of dry pulp, dry seed and dry whole fruit were analyzed by Soxhletextraction method after sampling the introduced seabuckthorn fruits fromLiaoning, Heilongjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang from 2016 to 2018. Theoverall average oil content of dried whole fruit of introduced seabuckthorn was16.59% (114 samples), the lowest content was more than 10%, and the highestcontent “201322” reached 23.50%. The oil content of introduced seabuckthorn drypulp was 20.23% ±6.13%, which was 0.97% higher than 19.26% ±7.44% of dryseed. There was little difference in oil content between pulp and seed. The oilcontent of dry whole fruit of introduced seabuckthorn was 16.59% ±5.91%, whichwas 0.97% higher than 15.62% ±5.05% (28 samples) of hybrid seabuckthorn. There was also little difference in oil contentbetween introduced and hybrid seabuckthorn. The oil content of dry wholefruit in Xinjiang is the highest, up to 16.09% ±5.70%, the second and third was14.50% ±8.88% in Liaoning and 11.75% ±8.71% in Heilongjiang respectively.There was a large gap in the oil content of dry whole fruit among the threeplaces. Seabuckthorn was introduced and sampled for three consecutive years todetermine the oil content of dry whole fruit, which was 10.63% ±4.04% in 2016,21.90% ±5.61% in 2017 and 15.83% ±1.83% in 2018. The oil contents of the drywhole fruit in the three years showed obvious fluctuations of “small-large-small”.Though both the oil content of introduced seabuckthorn and hybrid seabuckthorn werevery high, there were still large differences among specific varieties. Thevarieties with high oil contents, such as “201322” “201308” “201313”, etc., couldbe selected for establishing seabuckthorn industrial raw material forest withoil as the main goal for comprehensive development and utilization in the suitableareas in China.
出处 《食品与营养科学》 2022年第2期103-112,共10页 Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science
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