Corn and its products areindispensable raw materials for China’s food industry and the main feed sourcefor edible animals. Aflatoxin B1 is a common mycotoxin in moldy corn. It hassevere acute toxicity, and long-term consumption of food contaminated withaflatoxin B1 can induce carcinogenesis, which seriously damages people’shealth. This paper mainly expounds the sample pretreatment technology and thelatest detection method of aflatoxin B1 residue in corn, analyzes theadvantages and disadvantages of the new sample pretreatment technology and therelated pretreatment methods in the national standard, and discusses theresearch results and development trend of the surface enhanced Raman scatteringspectroscopy, lateral flow immunochromatographic assay, fluorescence detectionmethod, surface plasmon resonance assay, hyperspectral imaging assay, immunoassayand electrochemical sensor analysis, which provide new technical support forthe monitoring of aflatoxin B1 residue in corn samples.
Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science