目的:探讨眼球穿孔伤伴眼内巨大异物取出方法。方法:报告1例角膜穿孔伤伴眼内巨大异物,采用眼科8-0可吸收微桥线套法联合玻切手术将异物从角膜原伤口处取出。结果:行玻切手术将眼后段异物从原角膜裂伤口成功取出,未发生严重并发症。讨论:眼球穿孔伤伴有眼内巨大异物存留是眼科较难处理病症之一,用玻切联合线结套法从23 G套管中引入眼内,套取异物后从原角膜伤口处取出,减少眼部损伤,这是一种可行的有效方法。
Objective: To explore the method of extraction large foreign bodies in corneal perforation injury. Methods: Report a case of corneal perforation injury with large foreign body in the eye, using the 8-0 absorbable polyglactin stuture combined with vitrectomy to take the foreign body out from the original wound of cornea. Results: The foreign body in the posterior segment of the eye was successfully removed from the original corneal laceration wound by vitrectomy without se-rious complications. Discussion: Corneal perforation injury with large foreign body in the eye is one of the most complicated diseases in ophthalmology. It is feasible and effective to remove in-traocular foreign body from 23 G cannula by vitrectomy combined with line knot and take out the foreign body from the original corneal wound.
Hans Journal of Ophthalmology