Retrograde avulsion of the limb skin is a more serious injury, which is common in clinic and dif-ficult to treat. Retrograde avulsion of the skin is caused by mechanical and other external forces that force the skin and subcutaneous tissue to avulsion from the superficial surface of deep fas-cia, and may be accompanied by different degrees of soft tissue crushing injury. The cause of in-jury is more in the face press, machine wound, machine pull, and manual instrument contusion. For example, in hand surgery, retrograde avulsion of dorsal hand skin is common, which is usu-ally accompanied by dorsal hand vein network, superficial layer of extensor tendon peritendi-nous membrane, and even retrograde avulsion of extensor tendon. This situation is relatively common in clinical practice and difficult to treat. How to treat skin avulsion correctly is a com-mon problem in the diagnosis and treatment of severe trauma. Now the various treatment plans are compared to provide more accurate ideas for clinical treatment.
Hans Journal of Surgery