为探究人类旅游活动对洞穴环境及洞穴生物的影响,本文以湘西州境内洞穴结构相似、复杂度较高,但受旅游活动影响程度不同的堂乐洞和奇梁洞为研究对象,比较研究了不同强度的人类旅游活动对溶洞气温、湿度、CO2浓度及洞内生物的影响。结果表明:溶洞中的主要气象因子及生物不仅存在时空异质性,而且对人类旅游活动的强度有不同程度的反应;旅游淡期和旺期溶洞中的气温及湿度存在明显差异,旺期空气中CO2的浓度显著升高(P <0.05);长期高强度的旅游活动及灯光照射等人为干扰,使得在奇梁洞中生活的动物种类及数量很少,并滋生了灯光植物,而在旅游废弃后,人为活动较弱或消除的堂乐洞内栖居的动物种类及数量较多,且缺乏灯光植物。
Numerous caves have recently been investigated in Xiangxi Tujia &Miao Nationality Autonomous Prefecture (Hunan Province) to clarify the impact of Human tourism activity on Karst cave envi-ronment and cave-dwelling creatures. Based on the previous investigation, we selected two dif-ferent caves in tourism intensity but with similar complex tunnel structure as the objective, and focused on the response of air temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration and cave-dwelling creatures in the caves to tourism activity. The main results were as follows: 1) The meterological factors in the caves and the population size &distribution of cave-dwelling creatures were not only of spatial-temporal heterogeneity, but also showed different-degree response to intensity of tourism activity;2) There existed significantly difference (P 2 concentration rose abruptly in some relative-close tunnel sections in the peak tourist season;3) Long-time intense Human tourism interference and light illumination led to scanty species and less amount of animals, as well as caused lampenflora in the tourist-attraction Qiliang cave;4) By contrast, there were relatively more species and amount of animals but lack lampenflora in the tourism-abandoned Tangle cave.
International Journal of Ecology