综合分析治理巢湖、消除蓝藻爆发的成效、问题和原因,提出治理巢湖的目标和相应的技术集成措施。治理成效:控制外源和清除内源,使入湖河道水质改善,巢湖水质提升,由劣V类提升为V类;水面蓝藻的堆积程度有所减轻。存在问题:控制外源内源力度不够;巢湖现状水质距目标III类要求仍有相当距离;蓝藻爆发仍严重。建议目标:2025~2035年期间分水域消除蓝藻爆发。保障措施:深入推进河长制湖长制,把治理巢湖融入长江大保护战略中,加大科研力度,重新修编巢湖治理方案。创新治理巢湖技术集成思路:① 治理富营养化:控源截污,积极治理污水厂、工业、生活、规模畜禽养殖点源和农业农村等面源,其中重点是建设足量的污水处理能力和提高污水厂处理标准;减少内源,主要是清除蓝藻和湖底淤泥。② 除藻:全面打捞、清除水面、水体和水底的蓝藻。③ 恢复湿地:大规模恢复沿岸等水域湿地,人工修复促进自然修复,使巢湖植被覆盖率由5%恢复至原来的25%~30%。结论:发挥中国特色的集中力量办大事的体制优势、建立目标、技术创新集成,一定消除巢湖蓝藻爆发。
The effects, problems and causes of controlling Chaohu Lake and eliminating blue-green algae outbreak were comprehensively analyzed, and the objectives of controlling Chaohu Lake and cor-responding technical integration measures were put forward. Control effect: Control the external source and remove the internal source, improve the water quality of the river into the lake, improve the water quality of Chaohu Lake from inferior class V to class V, and reduce the accumulation of cyanobacteria on the water surface. The existing problems are as follows: The control of external and internal sources is not enough;the current water quality of Chaohu Lake is still far from the target of class III;the outbreak of cyanobacteria is still serious. Recommended target: To eliminate cyan bacteria outbreak in different water areas from 2025 to 2035. Safeguard measures: Further promote the system of river head and Lake Head, integrate the governance of Chaohu into the Yangtze River protection strategy, increase scientific research efforts, and revise the governance plan of Chaohu. Innovative ideas of Chaohu Lake treatment technology integration are: 1) eutrophication treatment: control source and intercept pollution, actively treat non-point sources such as sewage plant, industrial, domestic, large-scale livestock and poultry breeding point sources and agricultural and rural areas, with the focus on building sufficient sewage treatment capacity and improving the treatment standard of sewage plant;reduce endogenous, mainly remove cyanobacteria and lake bottom sludge. 2) Algae removal: Comprehensive salvage and removal of cyanobacteria on water surface, water body and bottom. 3) Wetland restoration: Large scale restoration of coastal wetland, artificial restoration to promote natural restoration, so that the vegetation coverage of Chaohu Lake from 5% to the original 25%~30%. Conclusion: It is necessary to eliminate the outbreak of cyanobacteria in Chaohu Lake by giving full play to the institutional advantages of concentrating on major events with Chinese characteristics, establishing goals and integrating technological innovation.
International Journal of Ecology