为了了解风电场建设可能造成的生境散失以及人工复植等方式是否能对风电场施工完成后的植被恢复起到积极作用,本研究对桂北山地的金紫山风电场I期和II期,资源马家风电场和十万古田风电场共4个风电场的80台风机及其所处平台以样方法进行实地调查。经调查,进场道路生境永久散失面积为110.87 ha,风机平台生境永久散失面积为63 m2/台,风机平台临时散失为784.368 m2/台。采用样方法测算植被盖度,一年盖度恢复率为32.506%,二年盖度恢复率为55.525%,六年盖度恢复率为57.018%,11年盖度恢复率为82.234%。调查发现风电场施工完成后的复植对水土流失和植被恢复起积极作用。
In order to understand whether habitat loss caused by wind farm construction and artificial re-planting can play a positive role in vegetation restoration after wind farm construction, this study conducted field investigation on 80 fans and their platforms of Jinzishan wind farm phase I and II, Ziyuan Majia wind farm and shiwangutian wind farm in northern Guangxi. According to the investigation, the permanent loss area of the access road habitat is 110.87 ha, the permanent loss area of the fan platform habitat is 63 m2/set, and the temporary loss area of the fan platform is 784.368 m2/set. The vegetation coverage is calculated by the sample method. The one-year coverage recovery rate is 32.506%, the two-year coverage recovery rate is 55.525%, the six-year coverage recovery rate is 57.018%, and the 11-year coverage recovery rate is 82.234%. The survey found that the replanting after the construction of the wind farm plays a positive role in soil and water loss and vegetation restoration.
International Journal of Ecology