微山湖在2023年7月(夏季)、10月(秋季)、12月(冬季)以及接下来的2024年3月(春季),经历了四次对其水域浮游动物的深入监测。整体监测出浮游动物种类共计77种,涵盖了18种原生动物、45种轮虫、8种枝角类和6种桡足类。盛夏及金秋期间,生物的种类繁多,总计监测到48种;而春季与冬季,则略有下降,冬季记录到43种物种。春季时,湖内浮游动物密度达顶峰,估计每升有1.26 × 103个个体;而夏季数量最少,约每升0.47 × 103个个体。秋季和冬季的数目大致为每升0.75 × 103个和0.71 × 103个。论及生物量,夏季观察到的最大值为6.69 mg/L;与此相对,冬季生物量最低,仅为1.52 mg/L。春季与秋季的生物量则分别为每升2.41 mg/L及4.03 mg/L。关于浮游动物的香农多样性指数,其测量结果在1.74至2.15之间变化;而均匀度指数则在0.48至0.74之间波动。综合这些生态学参数,判断微山湖具有中等的营养水平,指出应当对其水质保护和湖泊资源的合理开发予以高度关注。Weishan Lake has undergone four in-depth monitoring of zooplankton in its waters in July (summer), October (autumn), December (winter) and the following March (spring) of 2024. A total of 77 zooplankton species were monitored, including 18 protozoa, 45 rotifers, 8 cladocerans and 6 copepods. During midsummer and autumn, the number of organisms was diverse, with a total of 48 species monitored, while in spring and winter, there was a slight decrease, with 43 species recorded in winter. In spring, the zooplankton density in the lake reached its peak, with an estimated 1.26 × 103 individuals per liter, while the number was the lowest in summer, about 0.47 × 103 individuals per liter. The numbers in autumn and winter were roughly 0.75 × 103 and 0.71 × 103 per liter. In terms of biomass, the maximum value observed in summer was 6.69 mg/L;in contrast, the lowest biomass in winter was only 1.52 mg/L. The biomass in spring and autumn is 2.41 mg/L and 4.03 mg/L respectively. Regarding the Shannon diversity index of zooplankton, the measurement results vary between 1.74 and 2.15;while the uniformity index fluctuates between 0.48 and 0.74. Combining these ecological parameters, it is judged that Weishan Lake has a medium nutrient level, and it is pointed out that great attention should be paid to its water quality protection and the rational development of lake resources.
International Journal of Ecology