耕地保护工作是确保我国粮食生产安全的重要一步。本文主要探讨目前自然资源部门涉及的耕地占补制度,包括传统意义的耕地“占补平衡”涉及的土地综合整治项目,临时用地复垦和设施农用地复垦,以及从土地用途管制角度提出的耕地“进出平衡”,多措并举全面实施耕地用地管制。不同的政策之间存在矛盾和冲突的地方,如何解决此类问题也需要国家重点关注。Cultivated land protection is an important step to ensure the safety of grain production in China. This paper mainly discusses the cultivated land occupation and compensation system involved in the natural resources department at present, including the comprehensive land improvement project involved in the traditional cultivated land “occupation and compensation balance”, temporary land reclamation and facility agricultural land reclamation, and the “balance in and out” of cultivated land put forward from the perspective of land use control, and various measures are taken to fully implement the control of cultivated land use. Where there are contradictions and conflicts between different policies, how to solve such problems also needs the state’s key attention.
International Journal of Ecology