粮食安全是国之大者。水稻是云南省最主要的粮食作物,云南省80%以上的人以稻米为主食。蔬菜已成为云南高原特色现代农业发展的领军产业和农业覆盖面最广、受益人群最多、促农增收最快的支柱产业。首先,解决“粮经争地”;其次,解决大棚蔬菜土壤连作障碍;第三,解决大棚蔬菜的出路。笔者首次提出:大棚蔬菜–水稻产业协作技术发展体系,体系核心是:蔬菜、水稻两个产业同等重要,蔬菜为主,水稻为辅,为了不影响土地出租方、土地租赁方、蔬菜种植大户、企业或合作社的经济效益,将1片蔬菜基地划分为3~5个(A、B、C或A、B、C、D、E)区域,每年在蔬菜收获后,水稻种植季节,在大棚里或露地种植1个区域的水稻,通过3~5年的时间全部轮换种植1遍。首先,该体系可以稳定蔬菜种植面积,提高农民的经济收入;其次,水稻种植既可以保证粮食安全,又可以提高农民的经济收入,还可以消除蔬菜种植的连作障碍,净化菜地土壤、水体,保护生态环境,是一条稳定社会和实现乡村振兴的理想道路,同时,为打造云南省绿色食品牌奠定基础。Food security is of great importance to the country. Rice is the most important food crop in Yunnan Province, and more than 80% of the people rely on rice as their staple food in Yunnan Province. Vegetables have become the leading industry in the development of modern agriculture with characteristic plateau and the pillar industry with the broadest agricultural coverage, the largest number of beneficiaries and the fastest increase in agricultural income in Yunnan. First, in order to solve the “grain and economy competition for land”;Second, to solve the obstacles of continuous cropping of greenhouse vegetables and soil;Third, to solve the way out of greenhouse vegetables. The author first proposed a greenhouse vegetable-rice industry cooperation technology development system;the core of the system is that vegetable and rice industries are equally important, with vegetable as the main industry and rice as the auxiliary industry. In order not to affect the economic benefits of land lessors, land leaseholders, large vegetable growers, enterprises or cooperatives, a vegetable base is divided into 3~5 areas (A, B, C or A, B, C, D, E). Every year after the vegetable harvest and during the rice planting season, 1 area of rice is planted in a greenhouse or in an open field and all of them are rotated 1 time through 3 to 5 years. First, the system can stabilize vegetable planting areas and increase farmers’ economic income;Second, rice planting can not only ensure food security, but also improve farmers’ economic income, and eliminate the obstacles of continuous cropping of vegetables, purify the soil and water of vegetable fields, and protect the ecological environment. It is an ideal road to stabilize society and realize rural revitalization, and at the same time, lay the foundation for building the green food brand of Yunnan Province.
International Journal of Ecology