

Comparison of Two Methods of Wave Generating in 3-D Numerical Wave Tank
摘要 数值造波技术随着计算机技术的发展越来越成熟,其与物理实验相比具有易实现、低成本的优点,是研究船舶与海洋工程水动力学的前沿课题。速度入口边界造波和质量源造波是两种比较常见的造波方法,本文分别采用这两种方法对波浪进行了模拟,结果表明,两种方法均得到预期的数值波浪,质量源造波技术的精度高,波浪传播过程衰减小,而设置边界造波实施简单和易于收敛,总的来说质量源造波效果优于设置边界造波技术。为研究结构物在波浪中响应时数值造波方法的选取提供参考。 Wave-generating technology is becoming more and more mature with the development of the computer technology. Compared with physical experiment, it is easier for implementation and lower at cost. The numerical wave tanks are the frontiers of the shipbuilding and ocean engineering hydrodynamic fields in these days. Velocity-inlet boundary wave generating and mass source wave generating are the common methods. In this paper, both of the two methods are used for the simulation of numerical wave tank and the results are satisfactory. High precision and low attenuation are the merits of mass source wave generating, while velocity-inlet boundary wave generating has the advantage of easy implementation and good algorithm convergence. In general, mass source wave generating is better. Research in this paper can serve as a foundation for the simulation of numerical waves in structure-wave problems.
出处 《流体动力学》 2013年第3期41-46,共6页 International Journal of Fluid Dynamics
基金 自然科学基金(50975103).
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