受限于城市用地规模、地形等因素,我国城市排水泵站流道的设计趋于复杂,普遍具有流道深、狭长的特点。这导致泵站进水流道存在回流、流速分布不均匀等不良流态,影响泵站稳定运行。本文以上海市临平排水泵站为实例,采用计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)技术,对该泵站进水流道的流态进行模拟并提出流态优化方案。研究结果表明:未经过整流的泵站进水流道会产生大面积的回流、横向流动,影响泵站的稳定运行。通过加设底坎和导流墩的组合整流措施,回流问题得到明显改善,前池回流区显著减小,流速横向偏差值也控制在合理范围内。同时,组合整流措施可以使泵站进水流道的湍流动能耗散更加充分,使水流有效消能,保障泵站机组的稳定运行。
Limited by the size of the urban site, the design of flow paths in China’s urban drainage pumpingstations is becoming more complex, generally with deep, narrow and long flow channels. Thisleads to the existence of backflow, uneven flow velocity distribution and other undesirable flowpatterns in the inlet channel of the pumping station, which affect the stable operation of the pumping station. This paper takes Shanghai Linping drainage pumping station as an example, usesComputational Fluid Dynamics technology to simulate the flow pattern of the inlet channel of thepumping station, and proposes a targeted optimization solution. The results of the study show thatunrectified pumping station inlet channels produce large areas of backflow and lateral flow, whichaffects the stable operation of the pumping station. Through the combined rectification measuresof adding a bottom sill and deflector piers, the backflow problem has been significantly improvedand the lateral deviation of the flow velocity has been kept within a reasonable range. At the sametime, the combination of rectification measures can make the turbulent energy dissipation in theinlet channel of the pumping station more adequate, so that the water flow effectively dissipatesenergy to ensure the stable operation of the pumping station.
International Journal of Fluid Dynamics