Currently, in the research of nonlinear hydroacoustic waves, it is commonly assumed that the dispersion relation is linear in order to simplify calculations. However, the linear dispersion relation is not suitable for large-amplitude waves. So, this study investigates the dispersion relation of nonlinear hydroacoustic waves in a finite depth compressible single-layer fluid covered by an elastic plate. The fluid is assumed to be inviscid, compressible, and irrotational. We construct the governing equations and boundary conditions that represent the relationships between hydrodynamic, elastic, and inertial forces, and obtain an approximate nonlinear dispersion relation for hydroacoustic waves. The characteristics of hydroacoustic wave modes are analyzed, and the effects of important physical factors such as the thickness of the elastic plate on wave propagation properties are discussed. This research provides theoretical references for engineering practical problems such as polar marine resource detection, underwater target detection, seafloor seismic and tsunami warning.
International Journal of Fluid Dynamics