

Dopamine Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Therapy Advances for Antimanic
摘要 双相障碍(Bipolar Disorder, BD)是情感高涨与低落相互交替发作的一种精神疾病。BD的相关家系调查和双生子寄养子研究表明,其遗传率高达60%~85%,但其遗传学并不很清楚,也不符合孟德尔遗传定律。国内外均已经展开了一些BD相关基因遗传多态性研究,来寻找攻克这一疾病的突破口。研究较多之一的是多巴胺受体基因,根据BD多巴胺机制的理论假设认为双相躁狂发作与多巴胺功能亢进有关,反之则产生抑郁症状,从而形成循环性的特点。相关文献和研究不多,促使我们进行这方面的研究和探讨。本综述将探讨多巴胺受体基因多态性与抗躁狂治疗进展。 Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness that alternates between emotional highs and lows. BD’s related family survey and twin foster study showed that its heritability was as high as 60%~85%, but its genetics was not very clear and did not conform to Gregor Mendel’s genetic law. Both domestically and internationally, some genetic polymorphisms of BD-related genes have been studied to find a breakthrough in overcoming this disease. One of the most studied is the Dopamine receptor gene. According to the theoretical hypothesis of BD dopamine mechanism, it is believed that bipolar manic episode is related to dopamine hyperfunction, and on the contrary, it will produce depressive symptoms, thus forming a cyclical feature. The lack of relevant literature and research has prompted us to conduct research and exploration in this area. This review will explore the Dopa-mine receptor gene polymorphism and the progress of anti-manic treatment.
出处 《国际神经精神科学杂志》 2023年第3期42-48,共7页 International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology
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