

The Effectiveness and Mechanism of Mindful Self-Compassion Training on Suicidal Ideation of Rural Left-Behind Children
摘要 本研究旨在探讨静观自我关怀训练对乡村留守儿童自杀意念的有效性,并探讨积极心理资本和社会适应能力在特质静观与自杀意念之间的中介作用,以揭示静观训练干预自杀意念的潜在作用机制。本研究采用方便取样法招募了69名乡村留守儿童(平均年龄13.81 ± 0.77)和66名非乡村留守儿童(平均年龄13.76 ± 0.70)。将69名留守儿童随机分为实验组(35名)和对照组(34名)。实验组被试接受为期十周的静观自我关怀训练训练,对照组不接受实验干预。应用积极消极自杀意念量表、五因素静观问卷、积极心理资本问卷和社会适应能力诊断量表进行心理评估。研究结果显示:1) 乡村留守儿童的自杀意念水平明显高于非留守儿童。2) 特质静观、积极心理资本和社会适应能力之间存在显著正相关,都与自杀意念存在显著负相关。3) 特质静观对自杀意念的总效应、直接效应都显著;积极心理资本和社会适应能力二者在特质静观和自杀意念间的中介效应、链式中介效应和总中介效应都显著。4) 干预实验结果显示,与实验组的前测和对照组的前、后得分相比,实验组的自杀意念后测得分显著下降,而特质静观、积极心理资本和社会适应能力的后测得分显著提高。与此同时,对照组的自杀意念、特质静观、积极心理资本和社会适应能力前后测结果没有显著差异。本研究表明,乡村留守儿童是自杀意念的高危群体,静观自我关怀训练是干预乡村留守儿童自杀意念的有效方法,特质静观–积极心理资本–社会适应能力–自杀意念的链式中介模型部分揭示了静观自我关怀训练干预自杀意念的作用机制。This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of mindful self-compassion training (MSCT) on suicidal ideation in rural left-behind children and explore the mediating role of positive psychological capital and social adaptation between trait mindfulness and suicidal ideation, to reveal the potential mechanism of MSCT in suicidal ideation. In this study, 69 rural left-behind children (mean age 13.81 ± 0.77) and 66 non-rural left-behind children (mean age 13.76 ± 0.70) were recruited by the convenience sampling method. Sixty-nine left-behind children were randomly divided into the experimental group (35) and the control group (34). Participants in the experimental group received a ten-week MSCT, while the control group did not receive the experimental intervention. The Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation Inventory (PNSI), Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PPCQ) and Social Adaptation Diagnostic Scale (SADS) were used for psychological evaluation. The results show that: 1) The suicidal ideation level of rural left-behind children was significantly higher than that of non-left-behind children. 2) Trait mindfulness, positive psychological capital and social adaptability were positively correlated with each other, while negatively correlated with suicidal ideation. 3) The total and direct effects of trait mindfulness on suicidal ideation were significant;the mediation, chain and total mediation effects of positive psychological capital and social adaptability between trait mindfulness and suicidal ideation were significant. 4) The results of the intervention experiment showed that compared with the pretest scores of the experimental group and the pre- and post-scores of the control group, the posttest scores of suicidal idea of the experimental group significantly decreased, while the posttest scores of trait mindfulness, positive psychological capital and social adaptability significantly improved. At the same time, there were no significant differences between the two assessment results of the suicidal ideation, trait mindfulness, positive psychological capital, and social adaptability of the control group. This study proves that rural left-behind children are a high-risk group of suicidal ideation, and MSCT is an effective method to intervene in suicidal ideation in rural left-behind children. The chain mediation model of trait mindfulness-positive psychological capital-social adaptability-suicidal ideation partially reveals the mechanism of mindfulnss-based intervention in suicidal ideation.
机构地区 衡阳师范学院
出处 《国际神经精神科学杂志》 2024年第4期70-80,共11页 International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology
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