Orpheus is a modern adaptation of the myth of Orpheus by French director Jean Cocteau, com-bined with the real social background, which continued the surrealistic style in Cocteau’s previous works and was shortlisted for the Golden Lion at the 11th Venice Film Festival. The mirror plays an important role in the film, not only connecting the two worlds of life and death, but also as an image to symbolize the division and loss of Orpheus when he encounters the creative bottleneck period. The article pulls Lacan’s Mirror Theory as the breakthrough point, interprets the protagonist’s in-fatuation with the self-image in the illusion, and further interprets the protagonist’s infatuation with the self-image in the illusion and the tragedy of the death of the subject in the process of pur-suing the self, on the basis of analyzing the mirror relationship between the film characters. Thus, it concludes that the ego of the subject is a nonexistent emptiness. Only by facing reality and dealing with the relationship between reality and fantasy can we get rid of the dilemma of self-identity. The article combines the theme expressed in the film with Lacan’s theoretical viewpoint, aiming to en-rich the interpretation space of the film, and also provides a reference for the expression of the theme of ego in the film and television creation.
Journalism and Communications