With the continuous development of the times, the traditional DOA estimation algorithm based on uniform array has lagged behind the times, and the sparse array, as a new type of array, can improve the degree of freedom of the array and reduce the cross-coupling effect of array elements. Among them, the two-dimensional sparse line array has better performance and is more widely used than the one-dimensional sparse line array. In this paper, we summarize the previous research results on two-dimensional sparse arrays, and the main research contents are as follows: sparse arrays are introduced. The spacing of the array elements of the sparse array no longer needs to be the half-wavelength of the signal, which reduces the mutual coupling effect between the array elements, and improves the array degree of freedom and expands the array aperture by constructing a virtual array. In this paper, we first introduce the core theory of how to construct virtual arrays and expand the aperture of sparse arrays, and then introduce the three basic array models of least redundant arrays, nested arrays and coprime arrays, and expand the L-shaped coprime array and compact coprime array models, as well as the DOA estimation based on them.
Journal of Image and Signal Processing