

Brief Analysis on the Experience of Activation and Utilization of Industrial Heritage in World Cultural Heritage
摘要 新中国成立以来,在党和国家的领导下,我国工业发展从一穷二白到全球制造业大国,峥嵘岁月造就了辉煌的历史,但随着城市发展及现代化进程的高速推进,众多工业区逐渐停工搬迁,全国各地遗留下了大量的工业遗址,其中有许多工业遗址虽然文化及历史价值很高,但却在尚未评定成世界文化遗产之前,就被迫拆迁来为新的城市功能让位,在工业遗址的世界遗产评定及自身的活化利用方面,我国尚处在摸索阶段。而许多发达国家在长期的发展实践中,已经经历了对工业遗址的价值评估和遗产评定的过程,并形成了相对完善科学的对世界文化遗产中工业遗产的管理办法,形成了注重立法、保护及遗产整体环境协调的综合处理办法,达到了在保护的前提下能够尽可能发挥工业遗产的科学教育作用、历史展示作用,甚至还能够对遗产进行更深层次的再开发。国际上世界文化遗产中工业遗产的保护和管理经验为我国的工业遗址价值评定、工业遗产保护与管理提供了宝贵的经验和借鉴。 Since the founding of new China, under the leadership of the party and the state, China’s industrial development has been advancing at a high speed. However, with the rapid progress of urban de-velopment and modernization, many industrial areas have been gradually shut down and relocated. A large number of industrial sites have been left across the country, in which many industrial sites are very valuable, but are forced to rehouse before they are assessed as a world heritage site, and our country is still at that stage of groping at the world heritage site of industrial sites and its own activation. In the long-term development practice, many developed countries have experienced the process of value assessment and heritage assessment of industrial sites, and formed relatively perfect and scientific management methods of industrial heritage in the world cultural heritage, and formed a comprehensive approach that pays attention to legislation, protection and coordination of the overall environment of the heritage. Under the premise of protection, industrial heritage can play the role of scientific education and historical display as much as possible, and even the heritage can be further redeveloped. The protection and management experience of industrial estate in the world’s cultural heritage provides valuable experience and reference for the value assessment, protection and management of industrial estate in China.
作者 李鸿儒
机构地区 北京交通大学
出处 《低碳经济》 2019年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of Low Carbon Economy
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