本文是[利用捕捉的二氧化碳贮能减排]一文的补充(低碳经济2017年6卷3期),认为把生产煤气和发电分开实施较好。在农村利用柴禾等首先生产煤气有许多好处,能够比较快的降低空气中二氧化碳的含量。改善人类的生存环境。比较了捕碳掩埋(Carbon Capture and Storage—CCS)和捕碳贮能(Carbon Capture and Storage Energy—CCSE)二个技术路线,认为CCSE技术路线具有明显的优点。利用CCSE技术路线,可以控制空气中二氧化碳的含量,从而达到人工控制气候的目的,保护人类的生存环境。
This article is a supplement to the article “Making use of capture CO2 for the storage energy and carbon reduction emission” (Journal of Low-Carbon Economy 2017 Vol. 6 No. 3), it is considered that it is better to separate the production of gas and the generation of electricity. It can quickly reduce the content of carbon dioxide in the air and improve the living environment of human beings. The two technical routes of CCS and CCSE have been compared, it is considered that the CCSE technical route has obvious advantages. CCSE technology can be used to control the content of carbon dioxide in the air, so as to achieve artificial control of climate for protecting the living environment of human beings.
Journal of Low Carbon Economy