With the rapid development of theInternet, the development trend of smart lights has gradually moved closer tothe Internet. In modern life, single-function traditional lights can no longermeet the needs of smart homes. Compared with traditional lights, smart lightshave a more beautiful appearance, and users can adjust the brightness of smartlights according to their own needs, protecting the user’s eyesight, andavoiding the single function of traditional lights, and the energy consumptionof smart lights is relatively low, the service life is relatively long, and therisk of electric shock is greatly reduced. In this paper, through the demonstrationof wireless power supply scheme, magnetic levitation mode, control mode,combined with magnetic levitation technology and emerging wireless power supplytechnology, a wireless electromagnetic levitation lamp system withSTM32F103C8T6 as the main controller is designed. The system is mainly composedof STM32 minimum system, coil drive module, wireless power supply module, Hallsensor output voltage differential proportional operation circuit module,display module, auxiliary power module and magnetic suspension control module.According to the principle of resonant electromagnetic coupling powertransmission, the wireless power supply is provided to the lamps through thewireless transmitter and wireless receiver circuits. At the same time, the STM32single-chip is used to generate PWM waves through the coil drive module todrive the coil to generate magnetic force. The suspension is detected by theHall sensor, and the feedback is input to the STM32 microcontroller. The PIDalgorithm is used to achieve the suspension stability of the magneticsuspension system, and the magnetic suspension system is controlled to realizethe stable suspension of the lamp above the magnetic suspension device.
Journal of Sensor Technology and Application