Taking the central mining area of Gubei coal mine as a case study, and based on a systematic anal-ysis of the mine’s hydrogeological conditions, researchers employed an underground limestone aquifer drainage test method. By examining the water volume and dynamic changes in water levels in observation holes across each aquifer, they determined the hydraulic connections between the southern, northern, and central mining areas. Results indicated that these three mining areas constitute relatively independent hydrogeological units. The hydraulic connections between aq-uifers in the central mining area are weak in the vertical direction. The C3Ⅰ group limestone aquifer in this area exhibits weak water-richness. The Fs833 boundary of the mining area is a non-conductive fault. Limestone fractures in the outcrop area are well-developed and exhibit some degree of conductivity. Groundwater flows from the outcrop area along the inclined direction of limestone towards deeper depths, with its water-richness gradually decreasing. These research findings provide valuable insights for preventing and controlling limestone water damage in mines.
Mine Engineering