邵寨煤业公司2201工作面煤层平均厚度2 m,面长300 m,选用ZY12000/15/30D型两柱掩护式液压支架进行支护,实际开采过程中安全阀频繁开启,论文详细分析了工作面液压支架频繁开启原因,得出了工作面安全阀频繁开启原因。工作面采高较小,液压支架支护性能得不到充分发挥;煤层埋藏较深,工作面长度较长,矿压显现强烈;工作面上覆岩层岩性较弱,承载能力有限,上述三个问题是造成工作面安全阀频繁开启原因。在此基础上,提出了具体整改方案,实施效果明显,为类似问题的解决提供参考。
The average thickness of the coal seam in the 2201 mining face of Shaozhai Coal Industry Company is 2 m, with a face length of 300 m. The ZY12000/15/30D type 2-leg shield hydraulic powered support is used for support. In the actual mining process, safety valves of leg open frequently. The paper analyzes in detail the reasons for the frequent opening of the safety valves of leg in the mining face. The research results indicate that the mining height of the mining face is relatively small, the support performance of the hydraulic powered support cannot be fully utilized;the coal seam is buried deeper, the mining face length is longer, and the mining pressure is strong. The li-thology of the overlying strata on the mining face is weak and the bearing capacity is limited. The above three problems are the reasons for frequent opening of the safety valve on the mining face. Based on this, specific rectification plans have been proposed, and the implementation effect is obvious, providing reference for solving similar problems.
Mine Engineering