铜渣是火法冶炼铜过程中产生的固体废弃物,含有大量的有价金属。为分离提取铜渣中的铁等有价组分,采用化学分析、X射线衍射、金相和热重等手段,研究了铜渣粒度对物相组成和金相结构的影响。实验结果表明:铜渣中含有较多Fe2O3、TiO2,有害杂质S含量较高,流动性较好。粒度大多分布在0.425~4 mm之间。铜渣中存在铁橄榄石(Fe2SiO4)、赤铁矿(Fe2O3)、磁铁矿(Fe3O4)和无定型结构的脉石玻璃体。随着煅烧温度的升高铜渣中的铁橄榄石氧化转变为赤铁矿和非晶态硅石,其次是磁铁矿的晶型发生转变(Fe3O4→γ-Fe2O3→α-Fe2O3)。
Copper slag is a solid waste produced in the process of smelting copper,which contains a large number of available resources.In order to separate and extract iron and other valuable compo-nents from copper slag,the effects of particle size of copper slag on phase composition and metal-lographic structure were studied by chemical analysis,X-ray diffraction,metallographic and thermogravimetric methods.The results show that copper slag contains more Fe2O3 and TiO2,and the harmful impurities have higher S content and good fluidity.The particle size is mostly distrib-uted between 0.425 mm and 4 mm.In the copper slag,fayalite(Fe2SiO4),hematite(Fe2O3),mag-netite(Fe3O4)and amorphous gangue glass were present.As the calcination temperature increases,the fayalite in the copper slag is oxidized to hematite and amorphous silica,followed by the transformation of the crystal form of magnetite(Fe3O4→γ-Fe2O3→α-Fe2O3).
Metallurgical Engineering