通过对宝钢湛江钢铁炼钢厂350 t复吹转炉冶炼过程磷质量分数的控制研究,从热力学上分析了炼钢终点渣钢间磷分配比较低的原因,以及要得到相应脱磷率和终点磷分配比时转炉终渣碱度的最佳值,同时给出了转炉终点炉渣成分的调节方向。研究结果表明,在现有工艺条件下,转炉渣量偏大,碱度偏高是转炉磷分配比实际值与理论值差距较大的主要原因。通过计算,在现有工艺水平下,转炉渣的加入量应控制在70 kg/t(钢)较为合适。
An investigation was carried out on control of phosphorus content in 350 t Combined Blowing Con-verter of Zhanjiang Iron &Steel. The reason for low phosphorus distribution ratio between slag and steel at the end of steelmaking was analyzed thermodynamically. In the meantime, the suggestions for adjusting composition of converter slag were given, and the optimum basicity of slag to get the corresponding dephosphorization rate and phosphorus distribution ratio was determined. The results showed that, under the condition of existing technology, high basicity and the great amount of slag resulted in relatively large difference between the measured and theoretical phosphorus distribution ratio. The calculation indicated that, for the existing process, the amount of slag to be added into converter should be controlled in 70 kg/t.
Metallurgical Engineering