

External Characteristics and Experiment Analysis of Variable Shock Absorbers of Vehicles
摘要 被动悬架不可调节,是汽车平顺性和操纵稳定性的一种折衷方案。以轿车前悬架减振器为设计对象,在传统液压式减振器的基础上,对其工作缸进行了改进设计,研制了一种可变阻尼减振器。按相应国家标准进行台架试验得到其示功特性曲线及速度特性曲线,表明了设计的可变阻尼减振器阻尼可变的可行和有效。最后,通过装车道路试验表明该可变阻尼减振器能使整车平顺性得到明显改善。 The passive suspension which is not adjustable is a compromise between ride comfort and handling stability. On the basis of traditional hydraulic damper, taking the front damper of car as example, the variable damper is developed through improving the inner tube. According to corresponding national standard, the damping characteristic curve and speed characteristic curve were obtained by bench test. The results show the feasibility and validity of the variable damper. Finally, the results of the road test show that the ride comfort of the vehicle could be improved obviously for the suspension with the variable damper.
作者 李仕生 Shisheng Li(Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College, Chongqing)
出处 《机械工程与技术》 2016年第4期400-407,共8页 Mechanical Engineering and Technology
基金 重庆市教委2014年科学技术研究项目(编号:KJ1403005) 主持人:李仕生。重庆市教育科学“十二五”规划2014年度课题(课题批准号:2014-GX-128) 主持人:李仕生。重庆市渝北区2016年科技计划项目(合同编号:2016(社)15号).
关键词 汽车 可变阻尼减振器 试验 研究 Vehicle Variable Shock Absorber Experiment Research
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