

Audio-Visual Corpus-Based Cognitive Semantics Studies on a Japanese Polyseme “Kiru”
摘要 有关「切る」的先行研究很多,但基于视频语料库以认知语义学的原理研究多义词「切る」的尚未发现。本文基于《JV Finder》视频语料库,通过隐喻和转喻两个观点入手,探讨多义词「切る」的语义特征,并对义项之间的关联性进行阐释。除了对本动词「切る」进行分析之外,也列举相关的复合动词,对其扩展义进行周详解释。比较抽象的惯用句和“不可分解型”的复合动词(語彙的複合動詞)的学习,建议结合视频语料库的多媒体立体语境提供的信息,加深多义词「切る」的语义扩张的理解。考察结果发现「切る」的扩展义在日剧口语对白里大部分是隐喻用法。 While many researchers have focused their studies on the Japanese word “Kiru”, audio-visual corpus-based cognitive semantics studies on its extended meanings are rare. Based on “JV Finder”, an audio-visual corpus, the current article addresses how multiple semantic features of the word “Kiru” are formed and related to one another from both the metaphor and metonymy aspects. The article also addresses in details the extended meanings of this word by presenting rich analyses of it and examples of its relevant compound verbs. Findings suggest that using context-based three dimensional information provided by the audio-visual corpus contributes very positively to understanding the extended meanings of abstract idiomatic expressions and/or fixed compound verbs related to this word. The article concludes that the extended meanings of the word “Kiru” used in conversations are, mostly, metaphors.
出处 《现代语言学》 2015年第3期134-140,共7页 Modern Linguistics
基金 大连市社科一般项目“网络环境下大连高校日语教学资源建设与共享研究”(dlskyb2014010) 辽宁省教育科学“十二五”规划项目“多模态趣味型大学日语学习平台建设研究”(JG13DB001)的阶段性成果。
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