本文选择China Daily,BBC及VOA三家媒体关于新冠肺炎病毒在世界大流行初期的报道为语料,基于对共30篇电子新闻的分析,研究新闻英语中措辞如何体现新闻时效性和社会发展,如何反映新闻媒体的态度和立场。旨在帮助英语新闻阅读者更好地从词汇入手了解新闻特点和媒体风格,并通过对新闻措辞的分析与研究不断深化和完善读者对新闻英语本身的理解与认识。
This article selects the news reports related to the COVID-19 in the early stage of the world pan-demic from China Daily, BBC and VOA as corpus. Based on the analysis of a total of 30 electronic news, it studies how the diction reflects the timeliness, social development and media attitudes. It is helpful for English news readers to better understand the characteristics of news and media styles.
Modern Linguistics