本文从语用能效的视角来探讨学科类高校名的英译问题。通过分析师范、外语、外交、航天航空、农林等学科类高校校名及译名的语用能效问题,本文形成了高校校名外译中的语用能效翻译观:主张以提升高校的品牌价值为中心,结合时代特征来翻译,注重校名原文和译文的双重质量,提出了高校名称英译中实现较高语用能效的几种翻译手段:1) 依据规定更新译名;2) 使用高质量译名;3) 保持译名与原名统一;4) 不同场合使用不同译文;5) 使用同类学科通用译文。结论:建议高校提高校名及外译中的语用效能问题,经营好自己的品牌。
This paper discusses methods used in and approaches to translating Chinese university names of different disciplines into English from a pragmatic-efficiency perspective. University names under analysis concern several disciplines like foreign languages, foreign affairs, aerospace, agriculture and forestry and some for normal universities. A translation framework based on pragmatic-efficiency was put forward to solve the problems in translating university names. The framework is centered in the promotion of the brand value of universities, and proposes two approaches: translations for universities should be updated according to the background of the times, and attention should be paid to the double quality of the original and translated names. Also, several types of translation means are explored to enhance the pragmatic-efficiency in translating university names: 1) to re-translate the names according to the latest regulations;2) to produce translations of high-quality;3) to keep translated names unified with the original ones;4) to use different translated names on different occasions;5) to apply the common translated names to universities of the same discipline. It concludes that universities should bear in mind that both the original and translated names for universities have potential brand value and should keep improving the pragmatic efficiency in translating the names for universities.
Modern Linguistics