

Conversational Analysis of Compliments in Online Classes—Taking Online English Classes for Senior High School Students as an Example
摘要 恭维语是人际交往的润滑剂,对维持良好的人际关系具有重要意义。该研究运用会话分析的研究方法,以高中英语网课的真实会话为语料,从话轮设计和恭维功能等方面探讨线上教学模式下恭维语的运用,研究发现师生会话中主要采用了5种类型的恭维语设计,即“问题回应 + 重复学生答语 + 积极评价(形容词)”、“问题回应 + 积极评价(形容词) + 解释原因”、“问题回应 + 积极评价 + 继续”、“积极评价 + 询问”和“积极评价”,执行了5种功能,即缓和人际关系、正面反馈、表扬和激励、推进课堂进程和强化学生正面行为。研究指出在课堂开展过程中可以适度放权给学生,引导学生自我发现与探索,让学生成为课堂的参与者和建设者,成为更多的恭维发出者。恭维语的使用是否达到了相应的效果取决于恭维接受者的回应,因此教师应给予学生更多的回应时间。教师不仅要有相关领域的专业知识,还要成为语言运用大师。通过恭维语的使用,教师走进学生的内心世界,提高信任增进了解,从而建立起良好的师生关系。该研究旨在探索线上教学模式下高中英语网课中恭维语的使用,为课堂话语中恭维语的使用提供指导。 Compliment serves as the lubricant of interpersonal communication and is important in main-taining good interpersonal relations. Using the research method of Conversation Analysis (CA for short) with the conversations of online English classes for senior high school students as the data, the current study attempts to explore the application of compliments in online classes from the aspects of the turn design and the function of compliments. It is concluded that five types of compliment design in the conversation are used, namely “question response + repetition of students’ answer + positive evaluation (adjective)”, “question response + positive evaluation (adjective) + explanation of positive evaluation”, “question response + positive evaluation + continuation”, “positive evaluation (adjective) + inquiry” and “positive evaluation (adjective)” and five functions are used, namely to ease interpersonal relations, to give positive feedback, to praise and motivate, to promote the teaching process and to strengthen the positive behavior of students. The present research points out that in the process of teaching, it is advisable for teachers to moderately delegate power to students to facilitate students’ self-discovery and self-exploration, so that students can be participants and builders of the class, and have more possibility to become compliment givers. Teachers should give more time to compliment receivers to respond because whether compliments have achieved the corresponding effect depends on the receivers’ responses. Teachers should not only have a wide range of professional knowledge in the related field, but also need to be a master of language. Through reasonable use of compliments, teachers are more likely to be closer to students’ inner world, improve students’ trust to teachers, enhance understanding of teachers, and build a good teacher-student relationship as a result. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of compliments used in online English classes for senior high school students and to provide guidance for the use of compliments in teaching discourse.
作者 陈璐
机构地区 山东大学
出处 《现代语言学》 2021年第3期617-625,共9页 Modern Linguistics
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