《何为应用认知语言学》由Andrea Tyler,Lihong Huang和Hana Jan主编,Mouton de Gruyter出版社2018年出版,主要从理论框架和方法应用两个层面,运用多语种实际案例分析二语习得和教学的认知过程。文章概述认知的关键概念对课堂教学和二语研究的贡献,述评语言的体验性和认知性对二语教学实践的重要意义。
What is Applied Cognitive Linguistics, written by Andrea Tyler, Lihong Huang and Hana Jan, was published by Mouton de Gruyter in 2018. It analyzes the cognitive process in Second Language Acquisition and pedagogy with multilingual cases illustrated. This paper summarizes the application of key concepts of Cognitive Linguistics and demonstrates the efficiency of using the concepts in the classroom or in basic second language research. This paper reviews the significance to Second Language teaching and practice from the perspective of the Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics.
Modern Linguistics