本文基于语料库研究,以基线–阐释模型为基本框架研究汉语否定标记词“没/没有”的语法化动因。研究发现:1) 在共时层面上,通过实例证实“没/没有”的两词性,并对比其与名词及动词搭配频率,发现“没有”比“没”的使用频率高,且各自修饰动词的频率高;2) 在历时层面上,通过整理前人文献及收集归纳发现,否定标记词“没/没有”由动词词性延伸而来,且“没有”比“没”出现时间晚。3) 在“没N”–“没有N”–“没V/没有V”发展路径中,动词“没”是基线结构,“没有N”及“没V/没有V”是释化结构,其阐释与相邻句法环境、泛化、类推有关。本文通过共时与历时相结合,为研究汉语否定标记词提供一个新的思路。
Based on corpus statistics, this paper studies the grammaticalization motivation of Chinese negative marker “mei” and “meiyou"using the Baseline-Elaboration as the basic framework. The results show that: 1) At the synchronic level, the two parts of speech of “mei” and “meiyou” are confirmed by examples, and the collocation frequency of “mei” with nouns and verbs is compared. It is found that “meiyou” is more frequently used than “mei”, and the frequency of modifying verbs is higher respectively. 2) On the diachronic level, through sorting out previous literatures and collecting and summarizing, it is found that the negative marker words “mei” and “meiyou” are extended from the part of verb, and “meiyou” appears later than “mei”. 3) In the development path of “mei N” - “meiyou N” - “mei V/meiyou V”, the verb “mei” is the Baseline Structure, while “meiyou N” and “mei V/meiyou V” are the Elaboration structure, whose interpretation is related to the adjacent context, generalization and analogy. By combining synchronic and diachronic methods, this paper provides a new idea for the study of negative marker words in Chinese.
Modern Linguistics