“Ruci” is a demonstrative pronoun with strong written color in Chinese. It can connect the context and promote the coherence of the text. Based on the theoretical framework of discourse linguistics, from the synchronic plane, the textual function of “such” presents multiple perspectives. By examining the corpus, “Ruci” shows the following pragmatic functions in the text: the textual function of “Ruci” is multi-layered. By examining the use of “Ruci” in the text, “Ruci” has the following functions: semantic highlighting function, subjective emotion marking function, and counter-expectation information function. The semantic highlighting function of “Ruci” mainly refers to highlighting the information focus in the information structure, and the adjective modified by “Ruci” becomes the focus information;the subjective emotion marking function of “Ruci” reflects the subjectivity of the language when “Ruci” is used, it can highlight the emotional orientation of the speaker;“Ruci” can mark counter-expectation information, and the semantics expressed by “Ruci” modified components are opposite to the normal situation.
Modern Linguistics