高校官网简介是高校宣传的载体,是学生择校的重要依据,其修辞结构关系及功能具有独特性。研究发现,中英高校官网简介中校长致辞的修辞结构关系存在异同:1) 两类语篇中均多次用到阐述关系,且篇章关系使用频次没有显著差异;2) 中国高校官网简介中的校长致辞偏向于使用概念关系介绍学校,而英国则多用人际关系;3) 中国高校具有较强的客观信息传递功能,而英国高校更注重篇章的劝说功能。本研究的发现可为高校的有效宣传以及中国高校英文简介中校长致辞的撰写提供启示。
The official website of university is the window and an important basis for students to choose school, it has unique rhetorical structure and function for its speciality. The result shows that there are differences and similarities in rhetorical relations of the “Message from Presidents” in the official website of Chinese and English universities: 1) elaboration relation is highly frequent in both discourse, and the use of textual relations is similar;2) Chinese discourse inclined to apply ideational relations, while English discourse inclined to use interpersonal relations;3) Chinese discourse tends to be more factual and informative, while English discourse more emphasizes on persuasive function. The research findings have enlightenment for the effective publicity of universities and the effective way of writing the “Message from Presidents” in English of Chinese universities.
Modern Linguistics