
基于多模态话语分析的电影字幕翻译:以《长津湖》为例 被引量:1

A Case Study of the Subtitle of The Battle at Lake Changjin: From Multi-Modal Perspectives
摘要 “讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音”是新时代响亮的号召,本文拟以抗美援朝主题电影《长津湖》的字幕翻译为考察对象,立足于加强网络视听媒体时代红色文化的对外传播,借助张德禄的多模态话语分析综合理论框架从文化、语境、内容、表达四个层面对其进行赏析和探究,通过实例分析证验非语言模态对于语言模态的强化、补充以及协同作用,进而指出电影作为一种典型的多模态语篇,其意义的充分传递有赖于语言模态与非语言模态之间的相互配合。因此,字幕翻译应当综合考虑多重符号因素以诠释《长津湖》的叙事策略和建构性意义,引导观众在再现的历史空间中体认植根于另一文化语境的民族精神和文化底蕴,更好地推动红色文化在跨文化交流的大环境下走向世界。 “Tell China’s stories well, make the voice of China heard” is a vibrant call of the new era. This pa-per intends to take the subtitle translation of The Battle at Lake Changjin, a film themed Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, as the research object. In order to strengthen the external communication of red culture in the era of network audio-visual media, this paper uses Zhang Delu’s comprehensive theoretical framework of multi-modal discourse analysis to appreciate and explore the film from four aspects of culture, context, content and expression. Through the analysis and verification of the strengthening, complementing and synergistic effects of non-linguistic modes on linguistic modes, it is pointed out that film, as a typical multi-modal discourse, fully conveys its meaning depending on the cooperation between linguistic modes and non-linguistic modes. Therefore, subtitle translation should comprehensively consider multiple symbolic factors to interpret the narrative strategy and constructive significance of The Battle at Lake Changjin, and guide the audience to recognize the national spirit and cultural connotations rooted in another cultural context in the historical space reproduced, so as to better promote red culture to the world in the context of cross-cultural communication.
作者 黄铭铬 莫为
出处 《现代语言学》 2022年第5期987-991,共5页 Modern Linguistics
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