“The Thing Is”与“问题是”都可以用作话语标记,且两者对译程度很高,语用功能具有很多相似性。我们从语篇组织功能和人际互动功能两方面对这两个话语标记进行系统细致的比较分析,以期对相关翻译、二语习得与双语词典编撰提供借鉴指导作用。
“The thing is” and “Wentishi” can be used as discourse markers, and they are frequently translated to each other. Meanwhile, there are many similarities in pragmatic functions between them. In order to provide reference and guidance for translation, second language acquisition and bilingual dictionary compilation, we try to make a systematic and detailed comparative analysis of the two discourse markers from the perspectives of discourse organization and interpersonal interaction.
Modern Linguistics