
原型范畴理论下维吾尔语动词Ö t-的一词多义现象

Polysemy Phenomenon of the Verb Ö t- in Uyghur Language under the Prototype Theory
摘要 维吾尔语动词öt-在维吾尔族人民日常生活中使用频率较高,且表达的意义多样。通过考察öt-的26个释义,发现其各个义项之间存在联系和派生关系。原型范畴理论对于一词多义现象的形成具有较强的解释力,根据该理论可将öt-的所有义项分为外部经过、经界标转移、静态居上、内部经过四大义丛,并绘制出对应的意象图式。图式显示,将注意力聚焦在关系发生的不同阶段时,öt-的语义会产生细微的变化,且几种意象图式之间的转换十分自然,是自然的语义引申过程。其词义引申结构既含有辐射式又含有链锁式,属于综合式。并进一步归纳出öt-一词多义现象的形成及特点:1) 一词多义现象的形成是由人类的认知心理过程决定的;2) 一词多义表现出家族相似性特征;3) 词义范畴表现出不同程度的原型义项身份,即范畴内的各成员地位不平等,与原型义项的相似程度越高,越接近原型即范畴中心位置;4) 词义范畴没有明显的边界,随着范畴的扩展,边缘越来越模糊,甚至可能出现与其他词义范畴交叉的情况。 The verb öt- in Uyghur language, which expresses a variety of meanings, is used frequently in the daily life of Uyghur people. After studying the 26 interpretations of öt-, it is found that there are connections and derivations among its various senses. According to the prototypical category theory that has strong explanatory power for the formation of the polysemy phenomenon, all the senses of öt- can be divided into four major clusters of senses: external passing, transferring via landmarks, static dwelling, and internal passing, and the corresponding image schema can be drawn. The schema shows that when focusing on different stages of relationship occurrence, the senses of öt- produce subtle changes, and the transition between several image schema is a natural semantic derivation process. Its lexical derivation structure contains both radial and chain-linked patterns, which is an integrated one. Moreover, the formation and characteristics of the polysemy phenomenon of the word öt- is further summarized: 1) the formation of the polysemy phenomenon is determined by the human cognitive-psychological process;2) the polysemy phenomenon shows family resemblances;3) the semantic category shows different degrees of the primary sense identity, which means the members of the category have unequal status, and the higher the degree of similarity with the primary sense, the closer it is to the prototype, which is the central position of the category;4) the semantic category has no obvious boundary. Therefore, as the category expands, the edges become more and more blurred, and may even appear to cross with other semantic categories.
作者 林雅琛
出处 《现代语言学》 2022年第11期2803-2812,共10页 Modern Linguistics
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