改革开放以来,我国国民经济水平稳步提升,国际话语权逐渐加强,但是文化软实力不足的问题仍迫在眉睫;新闻是文化、民生传播与交流的国际窗口,进而具有中国特色的新闻热词翻译在中外文化交流中举足轻重;埃弗里特·M·罗杰斯的创新扩散理论最早用于对乡村社会学的研究,而在数字化时代的今天,创新扩散理论的研究从基础理论知识框架研究向多元化、跨学科式研究转变,如企业经济、高等教育、数学等诸多领域。本文从创新扩散理论视角出发,以新闻热词“凡尔赛文学”为例,分析了采用“音译 + 释义结合”的翻译策略化在保留中国文化特色的前提下翻译新闻热词,从创新扩散理论的四个阶段分析了该词的传播过程,并从影响创新扩散的五大属性特征分析了该策略在新闻热词翻译对跨文化交际中的正面影响,致力于探索中国新闻热词的国际传播效果及影响力,为新时代讲好中国故事、传播中国声音、提升中华文化软实力做出贡献。
Since the reform and opening up, the economic growth has steadily increased in China, making the power of international discourse gradually strengthened, but China’s cultural soft power is still insufficient. As we all know, news is an international window for the communication and exchange of culture and people’s livelihood. Moreover, the translation of news hot words with Chinese characteristics plays an important role in the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries. Everett M. Rogers’ theory of innovation diffusion was first used in the study of rural sociology. In the digital era, the research of innovation diffusion theory has changed from the research of basic theoretical knowledge framework to the diversified and interdisciplinary research, such as enterprise economy, higher education, mathematics and many other fields. From the perspective of innovation diffusion theory, this paper takes Versailles Literature as an example to analyze the translation strategy of “transliteration + interpretation combination” to translate news buzz words on the premise of retaining Chinese cultural characteristics, and analyzes the transmission process of this word from the four stages of innovation diffusion theory. Moreover, this paper analyzes the positive impact of this strategy on cross-cultural communication in the translation of news hot words from the five attributes that influence the diffusion of innovation, aiming to explore the international communication effect and influence of Chinese news hot words, so as to make contributions to telling Chinese stories well, spreading Chinese opinions and improving the soft power of Chinese culture in the new era.
Modern Linguistics