Telecom network dating scam is one of the high-incidence types of telecom network fraud, fraudsters often disguise themselves in false white-collar workers, executives and other social identities of high class to implement fraud on the grounds of making friends or dating. To prevent such tragedies, it is of great significance to explore in the pragmatic perspective the false identity construction and probe into the cognitive mechanisms beneath the deceived’s recognization of those identities. We collected discoursive data between two fraud sides from a real telecom network dating scam, and under the guidance of the pragmatic identity theory we tried to find the constructed false pragmatic identity types and analysed the corresponding discoursive choice, as well as illustrated the fraudsters’ impression management and the devived’s cognitive processing of false pragmatic identities, based on the concepts of strong and weak communication and dynamic cognitve environment under the relevance theory. The innovation of this study is to explain the identity construction and recognition of false pragmatic identity from the perspectives of both the fraudsters and the deceived. We finally found that the fraudster built salient identity (investment expert), deviated identity (friend) and third-party identities. The deceived tended to agree with the above identities, in the influence of the strong and weak implications deducted from the discoursive practices constructing those identities and the growing mutual manifestation between the cognitive environments of the two sides.
Modern Linguistics