MTI课程教学突出“实践性与实用性”,案例教学是最佳方法之一,而传统的纯人工翻译案例已经无法满足人工智能时代MTI教学及人才培养的需求,有必要建设“机器翻译 + 译后编辑”的教学案例,以服务于翻译教学实践。本文通过分析100个自编能源类文本汉译英教学案例,对比分析机器翻译与人工译后编辑的优劣,总结翻译案例建设经验,并提出相应的教学应用建议,以期培养出适应新时代需求的合格翻译人才。
MTI teaching highlights “practicability and practicality”, and case teaching is one of the best methods, while the traditional cases of pure human translation can no longer meet the demands of MTI teaching and training in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), so it is necessary to construct teaching cases of machine translation (MT) + post-translation editing (PE) (MTPE) to serve translation teaching practice. Through analyzing 100 self-compiled cases of C-E translation of energy texts, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of MT and human PE, summarizes the experience of translation case construction and puts forward corresponding teaching application suggestions, with a view to cultivating qualified translators who can meet the needs of the new era.
Modern Linguistics