作为图、文、音共同运作的多模态文本,儿童绘本故事Brown Bear and Wilbur Wolf的图画运用目光接触、视角、距离、颜色等意义潜势传递了特殊的互动和情态意义,充分实现了人际互动功能。研究发现,绘本图画中的棕熊和读者形成目光接触,表征强烈的“请求”信息,唤起读者同情。棕熊的主观视角以及图画中采用的平视和正面视角向读者展示了个体化的自然环境和代入感较强的画面,引发读者共鸣。棕熊与读者有时呈“私人”距离,有时呈“非个人”距离,但都使读者产生怜悯之情。颜色上,绘本采用高饱和色度,表征强烈情感,且随棕熊心境变化而变化;环境色调采用冷色调,表达忧郁和感伤之情;色彩上采用自然化风格,属于高情态,人际意义丰富。
This paper investigates how the images in the picturebook Brown Bear and Wilbur Wolf, a multi-modal product where image, text and sound work together to tell an integrated story, realize its interpersonal messages by employing meaning potentials of contact, point of view, distance and colour to transmit peculiar interactive and modal meanings. The study finds that the eye contact between Brown Bear and the reader represents a strong “demand” to invoke sympathy in the latter. Meanwhile, Brown Bear’s subjective perspective, together with the eye-level and frontal points of view in most of the images, depicts personalized natural surroundings and empathetic sights. Distances between Brown Bear and the reader vary from “personal” to “non-personal”, yet all trigger pity in the latter. While changing with Brown Bear’s mentality, highly saturated and naturalistic colour representation in the images conveys strong feelings such as melancholy and helplessness that are reinforced by “cold” colours.
Modern Linguistics