“面子”在言语交际中占据重要地位,很多言语行为本质上都是面子威胁行为(FTAs)。本文基于布朗(Penelope Brown)和列文森(Stephen C. Levinson)于1987年提出的面子威胁行为理论,以电视剧《如懿传》台词为语料,针对经典冲突片段中出现的面子威胁行为展开讨论,分析角色所使用语言的作用,揭示此时面子威胁行为的作用。
“Face” is an important part of verbal communication, and many verbal behaviors are essentially Face Threatening Acts (FTAs). Based on the theory of FTAs proposed by Penelope Brown and Ste-phen C. Levinson in 1987, this paper takes the lines of the TV series Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace as a corpus, and discusses the FTAs that appear in the classic conflict clips, analyze the role of the language used by the character, and reveals the role of FTAs at this time.
Modern Linguistics