

Preliminary Study on the Application of the Shadowing Exercise in the Teaching of Japa-nese Language Majors in Lower Grades of College
摘要 朗读和背诵是外语学习中常用的练习方法。但这两种练习都没有原声的即时加入,学生基于自身长期记忆内的语音知识进行发声,容易在练习中将一些不正确的发声记忆下来,产生“石化”现象之后难以纠正。影子练习原被广泛运用于同声传译的入门教学,用以培养译员注意力分配和听说同步进行的技能。其特点是如影子般紧跟原声,尽量准确地把听到的音声即时或延时进行口头复述。被认为具有能够提高听力等诸多益处,其有效性也得到了众多学者的认可。但同时它又被认为是一项认知负荷较大、有一定难度的练习。本文结合问卷调查考察了在高校日语专业低年级教学中运用影子练习法的可行性,认为对于低年级学习者,教师可尝试指导学生以影子练习法来补充朗读和背诵的不足,多种练习方法结合使用,达到更好的练习效果。 Reading aloud and reciting are common practice methods in foreign language learning. However, these two kinds of exercises do not have the immediate addition of the original voice, and students pronounce sounds based on their own long-term memory of phonological knowledge, so it is easy for them to memorize some incorrect sounds during the exercises, and it is difficult to correct them af-ter the “petrification” phenomenon is produced. The shadowing exercise was originally widely used in the introductory teaching of simultaneous interpreting to cultivate the interpreter’s skills of at-tention distribution and simultaneous listening and speaking. It is characterized by following the original voice like a shadow, and repeating the heard sounds as accurately as possible, either in-stantly or delayed verbally. It is considered to have many benefits such as being able to improve listening, and its effectiveness has been recognized by many scholars. However, at the same time, it is considered to be a cognitively loaded and difficult exercise. This paper examines the feasibility of using shadowing exercises in the teaching of Japanese language majors in lower grades of college in conjunction with a questionnaire survey, and concludes that for the lower grades students of col-leges, teachers can try to instruct their students to use the shadowing exercises to supplement the shortcomings of reading aloud and memorization, and to use a variety of practices in combination in order to achieve a better practice effect.
出处 《现代语言学》 2023年第11期5420-5426,共7页 Modern Linguistics
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