

A Brief Analysis of Modern Chinese “Bei”
摘要 在现代汉语中,语气词的地位十分重要,人类日常的交流和情感表达都离不开它,它是人类语言中非常活跃和敏感的一部分。“呗”作为现代汉语中的一个语气词,具有灵活的用法和丰富的语气意义。可以用于陈述句、祈使句、“动 就 动”等中,以此来丰富句子的情感,增加话语的多重意义。在当下世界文化交流日益加深,科技进步,新概念、新观念不断涌现的时代,新词新语以突破汉语传统的方式大量产生,在不断产生的新词队伍中,也出现了语气词“呗”的身影,如:花呗、借呗、贷呗等,在这一类词语中,语气词“呗”突破了它的传统用法,演化为类词缀。“呗”从语气词的身份转化作为类词缀,大多出现在消费信贷产品的名称中,有着独特的意义和用法,语气词“呗”新用法的出现不仅与语言的内部发展有联系,而且和社会经济也有很大的关系。本文将以现代汉语中的“呗”为对象,探讨它作为语气词和类词缀的双重身份。对于“X呗”的探究,理论上可以丰富对现代汉语新词语的研究,更好地了解生活中的语言现象;实践上有助于更好地服务于信息处理、语文教学和对外汉语教学。同时,还有助于现代汉语的规范化、标准化,使语言在交际中、生活中发挥更好的作用。 In modern Chinese, modal particles play a very important role. They are inseparable from daily human communication and emotional expression. They are a very active and sensitive part of human language. “Bei”, as a modal particle in modern Chinese, has flexible usage and rich modal meanings. It can be used in declarative sentences, imperative sentences, “verb jiu verb”, etc. to enrich the emotion of the sentence and add multiple meanings to the discourse. In the current era of deepening cultural exchanges in the world, technological advancement, and the continuous emergence of new concepts and ideas, new words and phrases are produced in large numbers in a way that breaks through the traditional Chinese language. Among the ranks of new words that are constantly being produced, modal particle “Bei” appears, such as: huabei, jiebei, daibei, etc. In this type of word, the modal particle “Bei” breaks through its traditional usage and evolves into a quasi-affix. “Bai” has been transformed from the identity of the modal particle into a quasi-affix. Most of them appear in the names of consumer credit products, with unique meanings and usages. The emergence of new usages of the modal particle “Bei” is not only related to the internal development of language, but also to the social economy. This article will take “Bai” in modern Chinese as the object and explore its dual identities as a modal particle and affix-like. The exploration of “X Bei” can theoretically enrich the research on new words in modern Chinese and better understand the language phenomena in life;in practice, it helps to better serve information processing, Chinese teaching and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. At the same time, it will also help standardize modern Chinese, so that language can play a better role in communication and life.
作者 王俊波
出处 《现代语言学》 2024年第5期518-526,共9页 Modern Linguistics
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