劳伦斯·韦努蒂的翻译理论深受西方解构主义理论的影响,创建出独树一帜的翻译理论思想,其中最广为人知的是他对归化异化翻译策略的阐释。本文选取我国作家鲁迅先生的作品《孔乙己》А.А. Штукина俄译本为研究对象,探讨文学作品翻译时的归化或异化选择,希望可以为文学翻译策略的选取提供一定的参考。
Lawrence Venuti’s translation theory is deeply influenced by Western deconstruction theory, and he has created a unique translation theory, among which his interpretation of the translation strategy of domestication and foreignization is the most well-known. This paper selects А.А. Штукина’s Russian translation of “Kong Yiji” by Chinese writer Lu Xun as the research object to explore the choice of domestication or foreignization in the translation of literary works, in the hope that it can provide a useful reference for the selection of literary translation strategies.
Modern Linguistics